Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coffee & Convo with author of Meant to Be

Coffee & Convo welcomes Tiffany King author of the new YA Paranormal Romance book Meant to Be.
Welcome Tiffany :) Tell us a little bit about your book.
Meant to Be, is a classic love story which is something everyone can relate to, but with a mysterious twist. Krista, the main character, is not exactly your everyday teenager. She has never been able to connect with anyone in her life, and she is un-naturally consumed by the emotions of others, to the point that she becomes ill. The only boy that she has ever been in love with doesn't even exist. He visits her each night in her dreams. After a tragic event, Krista moves west hoping for a fresh start, but her world is turned upside down when she meets a girl that shares her same traits and a boy that claims to know about her dreams. Krista must overcome her fears and find the strength within her that she never realized she had to solve the mystery behind the connection that binds them together.
What do you think readers will enjoy most about Meant to Be?
I think readers will enjoy the romance the most, though many have told me the last 50 pages of Meant to Be are to die for. I take that as a huge compliment.
Is this your debut novel?
Yes, Meant to Be is my debut novel, my baby, hehe.
Is Meant to Be part of a series?
Yes, there will be three books in the Meant to Be series.
Tell us a little about yourself, Tiffany.
My family and I have lived in Florida for the last fourteen years. We have finally gotten used to the mild winters and scorching summers. I went back to school when I turned 31 and will finish up this spring. I wrote my book “Meant to Be” two years into my degree program and put it on hold while I finished school.
Why did you decide to become an Indie author?
I decided to become an indie author because the eBook explosion has given authors like me a chance to get our writing into the hands of readers. It is the American Idol experience for writers. We get a chance to market ourselves and see if the public thinks we're worth "voting" for. The decisions are now left to the readers and not those that are just too busy to give our books a chance.
Any future writing plans you wish to share with us?
I am hard at work on book two in the series.

Where can we find Meant to Be?

Thank you so much Tiffany. We wish you the very best with the Meant to Be series.