Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coffee & Convo with Published Playwright Sam Havens

Coffee and Convo welcomes a very special guest. He has written fifteen plays with productions in the USA, Canada and Australia. Three of his plays are published.  

Please help me give a warm welcome to Sam Havens.

Sam Havens is Professor Emeritus in Drama at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. Havens founded the Drama Department where he teaches playwriting and screenwriting. In addition to writing and teaching, Havens performs voice-over narration for radio and TV commercials and industrial films. He is also an abstract artist and a consultant in presentation skills.

That is quite a background!

Sam, you are here because you have written your debut novel, Farr Point. Tell us a little bit about Farr Point.  

The smell of oil is in the air, and so is murder, when eighteen-year-old Eddie Tipton arrives in a small Texas town with his widowed mother in 1950.  Eddie and his teacher mother take rooms in the home of Texas oil widow, Faye Ruth Collier.  Eddie spends time with handyman Ned Cotton and soon learns that Mrs. Collier's late husband was murdered a few years earlier.  Ned Cotton warns Eddie to stay away from Faye Ruth and to ignore the murder of Lawrence Collier.  Eddie, of course, cannot resist.

Making his way in a new school, dodging the stigma of being the schoolteacher's son and succumbing to the lure of his middle-aged landlady, Eddie is embroiled in dangerous adventures on all fronts. And then, Eddie suffers a devastating loss, causing him to ratchet up his investigation and leading to a near fatal showdown.

What do you think readers will enjoy most about Farr Point?

Watching Eddie make the wrong choices and then transforming, through his struggles, to a wiser young man.  It is also fun to read about the quirky characters in the small town of Farr Point.

Where can we find Farr Point?

My Book Blog: http://bit.ly/e90VZU

Why did you decide to become an Indie author?

Postings on the Kindle Boards convinced me.  Also, a good friend self-published his book and I learned a lot from him.

Any future writing plans you wish to share with us?

At work on an urban fantasy: My Favorite Witch.  Also polishing a play entitled Figment.

Thank you so much for sharing with us Sam. We hope you visit again soon :)

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