Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Three C's of Brand Building

It is important for individuals and small businesses to embrace the paradigm shift. Your conceptual view of advertising must be replaced by another. Selling products online was once only considered by major retailers with selling power to reach the masses. This is no longer the case. Now, anyone can offer their products online.

But it is the branding and marketing of your products that will lead to success. Here's our golden rule for brand building. We call it the 3 C's Philosophy.


Your brand - think of it like your name. If you keep changing your name, people will have a difficult time remembering it. Be consistent with your branding. It is the way people identify you online. Choose one profile image that represents your brand and stick with it. Fans and followers recognize your profile by its avatar. Don't continually change your avatar. Maintain consistency with your customers. 


Clarity with a well-defined brand is crucial to your online success. A strong brand can be defined in an elevator pitch. This means that you should be able to describe your brand in one sentence or tagline. Think about the message that your tagline sends to your customers. Your tagline should always be visible on your website and social media profiles.


Building an online reputation takes time and continuity.

Subscribers, fans and followers can become loyal customers who look forward to your updates with their morning cup of coffee. They comment on your posts and share your videos with others. Building up strong, loyal subscribers is essential for creating a powerful online presence. It takes time and continuity.

Tufel Media builds your social media branding on a daily basis using the 3 C's Philosophy.

Our unique business model provides full-time staff at a fraction of the cost when compared to internally staffing your own PR department.

Contact us today to see how Tufel Media can save your company time and money.  TufelMedia@gmail.com