Friday, August 26, 2011

Top 10 Signs you have More Than One Child

Number 10:

Your total at BJ’s is over $400, and the cashier wants to know, “Why so many rolls of paper towels?”

Number 9:

You interrupt your phone conversations to turn your head and yell, “I’m on the phone!”

Number 8:

You say, “Five more minutes,” but you know it means one more hour.

Number 7:

Your toddler finds gum under a bench and you sigh in relief, at least it’s edible.

Number 6:

Your toddler drops food on the floor and you call the dog over.

Number 5:

You used to know a few Pokemon, now you can name each one … including their evolutions!

Number 4:

There’s no school on Monday but you already know because you received several notices.

Number 3:

Someone who means well says, “A Nintendo DS really isn’t that expensive,” and you smile and think, that’s because you’re only buying ONE!

Number 2:

One box of macaroni and cheese is just not enough.

And the number 1 sign you have more than one child is:

It used to take an hour to say goodnight, now it takes so much longer! “Goodnight, John Boy.”

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