Monday, November 21, 2011

BiG Announcement!

I have officially signed with Fantasy Island Book Publishing!

... and just in time for Christmas, yay!

Guess what will be under the Christmas tree this year?  SAND! (the book, not actual sand, lol)

I've spent nine months promoting SAND on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and GoodReads, but only as an ebook.  Now I'm happy to say that SAND will finally be available in bookstores!

I can't wait for the book signings! Yes, I've used Kindlegraphs, and will continue to use them, but there is also something to be said about face to face interaction.

Times are changing. I do believe in indie publishing and the e-book revolution, but there is also a place for print.  And I look forward to seeing copies of SAND on Barnes & Noble bookshelves.

I'm so excited! Squeeee!!

Thank you so much for supporting SAND!