Saturday, March 5, 2011

Meet My Kids

Now that I've introduced my debut novel SAND, its time for you to get to know the author.

It would be nearly impossible for me to introduce myself without first introducing my kids.

Nowadays people don't pull out their wallets to show you pictures of their children, they usually take out their cell phone. Well, these were taken from my cell and as random as these pictures are, they are worth a thousand words. 

The first photo is of my sixteen-year-old daughter punching Rudolph, ha. No need for words except to add that aside from being beautiful and strong, she's an amazing artist.

The second photo is of my eleven-year-old son warming up at bat in a little league baseball game and making his momma proud.

And the third photo is of my nine-year-old daughter as a tree frog in a school play. She created her own costume (I love the sunglasses) and was a natural on that stage. 

So there you have it, my three amazing kids.

I've been reading a lot of popular blogs from young mothers. They take their audience from the moment they peed on the stick, throughout their entire pregnancy, to potty training woes and so on. As much as I enjoyed my pregnancies and the time I spent breast feeding and home schooling, it's a phase in my life that has passed. Been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. Maybe I'll write about some of those wonderful memories another time. But for today, this is a transparent view of Lili Tufel, the mom, the author.

Thank you so much for supporting SAND!