Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Strange Happenings

I was just a baby when my grandfather, who had been a prominent attorney in South America, took a Sunday morning stroll to church. It was filled with so many people that he had to stand in the back. Dizzy and with heat exhaustion, he fainted. When he fell, his head hit the corner of a stone column and he died from the blow to the head.
Forward twenty years. My uncle, who had been my grandfather’s first born, was exiting the back of a city bus, when the distracted driver pulled forward throwing my uncle head first onto the curb. He died days later from the blow to the head.
Forward a few more years. My mom’s first cousin was on vacation with his wife and daughter. After taking some lovely pictures along a river bank, he slipped on the rocks and fell. He died instantly from the blow to the head.
Is it me or are these deaths in my family strange happenings?
I originally started this blog last year but I didn’t have a clear direction. After only a few sporadic posts, I set it aside to continue writing ... and deleted all my posts :} Not sure if that was a good idea, but oh well ... 

Once I picked it back up, I was hoping to share these strange happenings with all of you and I went back into the archives on my desktop.

Do you know that I posted Strange Happenings on March 3, 2010! It was written the night before ... this same night one year ago!

What do you think?

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