Sunday, December 11, 2011

For Newbies ONLY ... Okay, fine, for you too!

I've been emailing back and forth with a couple of newly indie published authors. Since I found myself repeating some of the same information, I thought why not turn this advice into a blog post.  

I recently signed a contract with a publisher and my books will soon be on Barnes & Noble bookshelves. And I was able to sign with a publisher because of my success as an indie.

So Here's my advice for newbies.

Remember, I was once a newbie indie too. I didn't know how to format an ebook. And having a thousand twitter followers seemed like a million when I first opened my Twitter account.

Okay, you've uploaded your novel on Smashwords and you're waiting to be approved for the premium catalog.  What now?

Smashwords will not put you in Amazon. When you get approved for the premium catalog, you'll be in Barnes & Noble, Diesel, Sony, Kobo, Apple, etc. but not Amazon.  I suggest you go to Kindle Direct Publishing as soon as possible and create an account with Amazon.  Click here for KDP.  It is my opinion that right now, Amazon dominates the ebook market. And while you wait to be paid quarterly from Smashwords, you can get paid monthly form Amazon.

Definitely utilize Smashwords for promoting your book and for giving away coupons. 

The first thing you will need is lots of reviews. Give a free coupon to people who you feel will be willing to give you a review in return for a free book.  I also suggest you ask them to post their reviews not only on Smashwords but also on Amazon.  Since most of your money will come from Amazon, make sure you get reviews on Amazon.  -->I'm adding this a day later --> For all the haters (who tried to discredit me.) If you don't buy it on Amazon, you shouldn't leave a review on Amazon. Why yes, geniuses, the same goes for Barnes & Noble, Apple, etc. If a person buys a book on the Nook (Barnes & Noble), they should only leave a review there and not on God-forbid Amazon. Who even follows that?? I've seen reviews across the board - meaning the same review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, etc. Does that mean they purchased a copy from each company? You be the judge.

I say this because most people won't really dish out $$$ for a book that hasn't been reviewed.  People in general don't like to be the first to jump in the pool. They want to know that the water isn't cold. Reviews will let them know it's okay, the water is just fine.

When you ask for reviews, make sure they are in your target audience.  You need to define who is your target audience.

This advice is for indie ebook publishing.

Now I'm gonna tell you what I didn't do.  I didn't self-publish a print book!  

I marketed my indie ebook like crazy and after some success with the ebook, I was able to sign with FIBP for print. And yes, the contract also includes my ebook.  The problem with self-publishing a print-book is that you only get one ISBN # for print.  And if you self-publish, you will have a difficult time getting a publisher to take you on. Why? Because a print-book ISBN # is like a social security #. It's nearly impossible to change. --> I'm adding this a day later --> For all the haters (who tried to discredit me.) Notice that I said you will have a difficult time getting a publisher. I didn't say it was impossible to get a publisher. And yes, your new publisher can get a NEW ISBN # with a new edition of the book so it IS possible. But the old ISBN # will still exist and refer to the self-published edition. I was trying to make the post as simple as possible but I see that it backfired.

--> I'm adding this a day later --> Even after becoming #1 Smashwords Bestseller, I still wanted to one day see my books on a bookshelf in a store so I made the conscious decision to hold off until I could get a publisher for print. I stand by my decision and recommend it to anyone who feels the way I feel. I can just hear the haters, "But you'll be misleading the poor helpless newbies." Give me a break! Newbies aren't babies! Like I said, it's not impossible with a self-published print-book but chances are you will have a difficult time. (What I just said is my opinion and I stand by it.)

I'm not saying don't self-publish through Createspace or any of the others. I'm just saying, if you're a newbie, concentrate on marketing your ebook for now, and see where it takes you.  That's what I did :D  --> I'm adding this a day later --> Remember you are free to choose your own path. lol

Do you have anymore questions??  Don't be afraid to ask :D  I'll try to get some of my author friends to pass by and help answer your questions!!  -->Again, I'm adding this a day later --> My attempt to gather some of my author friends backfired. A couple of them threw a hissy fit and even tried to publicly discredit me. Seriously? lol. Here's some more NEWBIE ADVICE: Grow thick skin!! And FAST!!  

***Note:  If you're reading this for the first time, there's a follow-up post here.

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